Sub 回転して貼り付け()
Dim words
Dim prompt As String
Dim res As Long, pat As Long
Dim col0 As Long, col1 As Long, row0 As Long, row1 As Long
Dim c As Long, r As Long, this_row As Long, this_col As Long
With Selection
col0 = .Column
col1 = col0 + .Columns.Count - 1
row0 = .Row
row1 = row0 + .Rows.Count - 1
End With
If col1 = col0 And row1 = row0 Then
res = MsgBox("範囲を選択してから実行してください。", vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End If
words = Array("右90度回転", "左90度回転", "180度回転")
prompt = "はい:" & words(0) & _
"、いいえ:" & words(1) & _
"、キャンセル:" & words(2)
res = MsgBox(prompt, vbYesNoCancel)
If res = vbYes Then
pat = 0
ElseIf res = vbNo Then
pat = 1
ElseIf res = vbCancel Then
pat = 2
End If
prompt = words(pat) & "を実行します。※選択範囲の2行下から貼り付け。"
res = MsgBox(prompt, vbOKCancel)
If res <> vbOK Then Exit Sub
For c = 0 To col1 - col0
For r = 0 To row1 - row0
Cells(row0 + r, col0 + c).Copy
If pat = 0 Then '右90度
this_row = row1 + 2 + c
this_col = col0 + row1 - row0 - r
ElseIf pat = 1 Then '左90度
this_row = row1 + 2 + col1 - col0 - c
this_col = row0 + r
ElseIf pat = 2 Then '180度
this_row = row1 * 2 - row0 + 2 - r
this_col = col1 - c
End If
ActiveSheet.Paste Cells(this_row, this_col)
Next r
Next c
End Sub
Dim words
Dim prompt As String
Dim res As Long, pat As Long
Dim col0 As Long, col1 As Long, row0 As Long, row1 As Long
Dim c As Long, r As Long, this_row As Long, this_col As Long
With Selection
col0 = .Column
col1 = col0 + .Columns.Count - 1
row0 = .Row
row1 = row0 + .Rows.Count - 1
End With
If col1 = col0 And row1 = row0 Then
res = MsgBox("範囲を選択してから実行してください。", vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End If
words = Array("右90度回転", "左90度回転", "180度回転")
prompt = "はい:" & words(0) & _
"、いいえ:" & words(1) & _
"、キャンセル:" & words(2)
res = MsgBox(prompt, vbYesNoCancel)
If res = vbYes Then
pat = 0
ElseIf res = vbNo Then
pat = 1
ElseIf res = vbCancel Then
pat = 2
End If
prompt = words(pat) & "を実行します。※選択範囲の2行下から貼り付け。"
res = MsgBox(prompt, vbOKCancel)
If res <> vbOK Then Exit Sub
For c = 0 To col1 - col0
For r = 0 To row1 - row0
Cells(row0 + r, col0 + c).Copy
If pat = 0 Then '右90度
this_row = row1 + 2 + c
this_col = col0 + row1 - row0 - r
ElseIf pat = 1 Then '左90度
this_row = row1 + 2 + col1 - col0 - c
this_col = row0 + r
ElseIf pat = 2 Then '180度
this_row = row1 * 2 - row0 + 2 - r
this_col = col1 - c
End If
ActiveSheet.Paste Cells(this_row, this_col)
Next r
Next c
End Sub